Web Services¶
Maya’s “web viewer”, for viewing results of our offline analysis pipeline.
There is a persistent instance of the web viewer maintained by Kendrick, which runs at port 5003 on cfdn9. Since this is behind the DRAO firewall, you’ll need to create an ad hoc ssh tunnel. In a terminal window on your laptop, do:
ssh -L 5003:cfdn9:5003 tubular
Leave this window open! (If you close the ssh session in the window, then the tunnel will terminate.) Then point your browser to
and the web viewer should appear. If this doesn’t work, let Kendrick know!If for some reason you want to run your own instance of the web viewer, you can launch it as follows:
ssh cfdn9 cd git/rf_pipelines/web_viewer ./run-web-viewer.sh /frb-archiver-1/web_viewer PORT
where PORT is a TCP port number which doesn’t conflict with any our existing services (see “Port number assignments” below). Then view it through the ssh tunnel as usual (
ssh -L PORT:cfdn9:PORT tubular
, then point browser atlocalhost:PORT
).Dustin’s “webapp”, for live L1 monitoring and control.
There is a persistent instance of the webapp maintained by Dustin, which runs at port 5002 on cfdn9. Since this is behind the DRAO firewall, you’ll need to create an ad hoc ssh tunnel. In a terminal window on your laptop, do:
ssh -L 5002:cfdn9:5002 tubular
Leave this window open! (If you close the ssh session in the window, then the tunnel will terminate.) Then point your browser to
and the webapp should appear. If this doesn’t work, let Dustin know!If for some reason you want to run your own instance of the webapp, you can launch it as follows:
ssh cfdn9 cd git/ch_frb_l1 ./run-webapp.sh l1_configs/l1_production_16beam_webapp.yaml PORT
where PORT is a TCP port number which doesn’t conflict with any our existing services (see “Port number assignments” below). Then follow the instructions in the previous paragraph with 5002 replaced by PORT.
Port number assignments (placeholder section for now, to be fleshed out later):
5001 = Michelle's L4 server 5002 = Dustin's "webapp" 5003 = Maya's "web viewer" 5004 = Alex's coarse-grained trigger viewer 5100-5109 = Davor 5110-5119 = Michelle 5120-5129 = Dustin 5130-5139 = Kendrick 5140-5149 = Alex 5150-5159 = Utkarsh 5555 = L1 RPC UDP 1313 = used by correlator to send real data packets UDP 6677 = used for simulated data packets in examples in MANUAL.md 9090 = Prometheus 9100 = node_exporter 9116 = snmp_exporter 9093 = alertmanager